Saturday, January 28, 2012

Be at Peace with Everyone...

Yesterday i was driving to work on my usual hour drive in traffic. I often listen to a christian radio station to gather perspective and gain a daily spiritual boost. The pastor was referencing a passage on the topic of revenge. The passage was translated as Be at Peace with Everyone and Let the Wrath of God...

As I was listening to this message, calm took over my traffic tense shoulders. For days I'd been dwelling on something that someone had shared with me. I was distured and troubled that an acquantance would call me to tell me I should unfriend someone I knew from Facebook and other affiliations because this person had rubbed her the wrong way. Really? A fifty something year old women has nothing better to do than to target folks and spread cancer on their character? Although I'd typically speak up and speak my ethical mind, I froze. I was speechless. This person was taking vengeance on someone I knew and I didn't want to be involved yet I was being sucked in. I was tempted to tell her off and yet the words didn't come out of my mouth. This wasn't the first time and certainly wouldn't be the last. At first I thought she was simply venting and I was being a friend by listening. Then I realized how serious she was. What to do? What to do?

And then here was this spiritual message. Be at Peace with Everyone and Let the Wrath of God...

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